Nestled in the heart of Texas, Liberty Hill offers a charming blend of small-town tranquility and urban convenience. For those seeking a new place to call home, Liberty Hill presents...
The Central Texas Hill Country is known for its natural beauty and vibrant community, and if you're planning to settle in this picturesque area, choosing the right custom homebuilder is...
Are you dreaming of retiring in a place where scenic beauty, an active lifestyle, and a welcoming community all come together? Look no further than Lake Travis, a hidden gem...
You’ve been dreaming of the peaceful serenity of lakeside living and now you’re ready to start building your Lake Travis custom home. If you’re searching for a knowledgeable builder to...
You’ve been dreaming of the peaceful serenity of lakeside living, and now is the perfect time to make that dream a reality! Giddens Homes has available new home inventory in...
Giddens Homes builds customized new homes in sought-after communities in Liberty Hill, TX, including Clearwater Ranch, a beautifully wooded acreage community minutes from SH 183. Families that choose to call...
Multiple Customizable Floor Plans to Choose From The variety of floor plans available from Giddens Homes simplifies the customization process by giving you a variety of thoughtfully designed plans to...